Lyme Disease Prevention
By Dr. Maria Krenz, DVM – ZimmVet-763-856-4848

Lyme Disease High Risk for Zimmerman Dogs
In the Zimmerman area, dogs are at a high risk for contracting Lyme disease from a tick bite. In 2017, 12.78% of all of the dogs tested in Sherburne County for Lyme disease were positive for this painful disease. Now is the time to make sure your pet is protected. The best level of protection includes using a Lyme vaccination, tick prevention products as well as checking your pet daily for ticks.
We only see a couple ticks a year on my pet, why do I need to vaccinate against Lyme disease?
All it takes is one tick bite to spread Lyme disease. Any pet that goes into long grass, brush or wooded areas is at high risk and should be vaccinated for Lyme disease. Even though ticks prefer these environments, they can be found even on short mowed lawns or traveling across hard surfaces. The immature nymph stage of the tick is very small and difficult to see. A nymph is typically the size of a poppy seed. Once Lyme disease is contracted, it can cause swollen painful joints, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy and can even lead to kidney failure.
My pet has been positive for Lyme is the past, so I don’t vaccinate anymore.
Often, pets will show up positive on an in-clinic test called a 4dx test, even after Lyme disease has been successfully treated. This is because the pet has antibodies or proteins in their system from the past infection. Additional bloodwork, called a titer, can tell us if a positive test means a new infection. Anytime a pet is bitten by a tick, it can be re-infected with Lyme disease. Pets that are positive for Lyme disease are at high risk for reinfection, these pets need extra protection and yearly vaccination is especially important.
I have vaccinated my pet and they still contracted Lyme disease.
Lyme bacteria is a tricky disease, and does many things to fool a pet’s body. No vaccination provides 100% protection. At ZimmVet, we administer the vaccination that provides the newest updates to Lyme technology.
Preventative Tick Products
There are many tick products on the market. Many products that can be purchased over the counter may not work as well, as they may not be waterproof or can cause side effects in the pet. When purchasing product from a veterinarian you receive the full manufacturer guarantee and backing, along with money saving rebates or free doses. At ZimmVet, we carry the top of the line tick prevention products. Frontline Gold is an upgraded version of the traditional Frontline product. Beside a quicker kill rate, Frontline Gold also has better, easier-to-use packaging. Bravecto is an oral chewable tick preventative that lasts for 3 months. We have been receiving a lot of positive feedback on Bravecto. Clients with small children especially like Bravecto as it is an oral and they do not have to worry about kids touching the pet after application. Collars and be useful in combination with other products but are typically not waterproof so can leave a pet unprotected for periods after swimming or bathing. In some pets, for added protection we combine use of products. Using more than one product should only be done under veterinary direction.
Minnesota and the Zimmerman area have a high prevalence of Lyme disease. By vaccinating against Lyme, using a proven flea and tick treatment monthly such as Frontline Gold or Bravecto, and removing ticks daily, you will give your pet the best chance of staying healthy.
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Disclaimer: This written content is meant to be educational and is not medical advice. Always consult a veterinarian about medical advice for your pet.