By Dr. Maria Krenz, DVM – ZimmVet-763-856-4848

Puppy Socialization Builds Confident Adult Dogs

For a puppy to become a confident adult, we must provide a good learning foundation. This foundation is more than teaching the basic commands of sit and lie down.  It is also about exposing your puppy to places and situations they will most likely experience during their entire lifetime. 

Socialization goes beyond having your puppy play with the neighbor dog or a family member’s dog.  Your puppy will learn how to play with familiar dogs, but they will not gain enough exposure to other dogs and situations to fully learn.  Socializing your puppy to dogs of all breeds is very important, and is a vital factor in teaching them acceptable play with other dogs.  Puppies learn appropriate play and bite inhibition during these play times with other dogs. This is something that we cannot teach them.

Socializing your puppy to people of every ethnicity, tall and short, young and old, as well as people with glasses, hats or other accessories is also important for their development.

Positive Experiences Can Help Shape a Puppies Personality

A puppy brain is like a little sponge.  Everything it is exposed to stays in their little memory bank.  Make sure when exposing them to new things and situations that it is done in a positive way.  These experiences are what helps form their personality.  They are born with a certain temperament, but the positive experiences they are introduced to and how they are raised is what forms their personality.

Puppies are learning all of the time, not just when they are in a structured environment like a puppy training class. Using harsh punishment, rough handling or tools like a pinch collar, training (choke) collar or electronic collar can hurt them and change their personality, negatively.  These practices will also make them more likely to be reactive and show aggressive behaviors as an adolescent and adult.

All of the time and investment you put into your puppy by giving them a good, positive learning foundation will payoff throughout their life.  Puppies can be challenging, but watching your puppy develop into a confident adult is worth it.

Some Great ways to Socialize your puppy

  • Doggie Daycare.
  • Puppy Play Parties
  • Training Classes
  • Taking them with you everywhere. Allow them to meet other people, and pets.
  • Let them investigate their surroundings during their walks.

Disclaimer:  This written content is meant to be educational and is not medical advice.  Always consult a veterinarian about medical advice for your pet.