All About Fleas
By Dr. Maria Krenz, DVM – ZimmVet-763-856-4848

In Minnesota fall and early winter is the most common time we see flea infestation in pets. No pet is immune to these tiny parasites. Mice are common carriers of fleas. In the fall time mice are looking for places to survive the winter and can end up in garages and basements. The mouse then sheds flea eggs where they travel in the house.
Flea Myths
Myth: My Pet cannot get fleas because they are indoor only. Truth: Fleas thrive indoors
Myth: My Pet does not have fleas because they are not biting me. Truth: Adult fleas will only bite humans as a last choice, so often humans do not get bit.
Myth: If my pet has fleas I would see them. Truth: Fleas are often not seen on the pet until the infestation is severe. Pets will also lick fleas away before you see them.
Myth: My pet has never had fleas so I do not need to use prevention. Truth: Any pet can get fleas and unfortunately it is a lot more difficult to get rid of them vs preventing.
Flea Life Cycle
There are 4 stages in the flea lifecycle: Egg, Larva, Pupae and Adult. On average a flea can transform from and egg to an adult in 3 weeks. The adult flea lays eggs, the egg then falls off the host animal into the environment. Often where an animal sleeps. The egg transforms into a larva and goes through 3 molts. The larva feed off the feces of the adult flea that fall into the environment, which is called flea dirt. The next stage is the Pupae. This cocoon is very resistant and will not hatch into an adult until triggered by light, sound, movement and carbon dioxide of an animal nearby. An adult flea will not leave its host. Pets that are newly infested with fleas get them from the pupae stage hatching and the newly hatched adults jumping onto the pet.
If your pet does get fleas, treatment will last for at least 3 months, often longer. Cleaning of the environment is key, frequent vacuuming and washing of blankets is required. All of the pets in the household must be treated.
There are many products available to kill fleas. Contact your veterinarian for the best recommendation. Be very cautious with any products applied to cats. There are some flea products labeled for dogs that are toxic to cats. Some of the over the counter treatments can be very harsh and result in hair loss, itching and even illness. When products are purchased from your veterinarian they are guaranteed by the manufacturer. Flea shampoos will only kill the adults on the pet at the time the shampoo is applied, it has no residual protection. Shampoos can be very drying to a pet’s skin.
At ZimmVet we carry the best topical and oral products on the market to treat your dog and cat. Call us to discuss the best product for your pet’s needs.
Disclaimer: This written content is meant to be educational and is not medical advice. Always consult a veterinarian about medical advice for your pet.