Posts in Category: ZimmVet News & Events
The Value of Starting Obedience Classes Early
By: Darian Smock, ZimmVet Pet Trainer

Here at ZimmVet’s Training Department, we know that behavioral issues are the number one reason pets are surrendered to shelters. Taking your new puppy or dog to obedience classes shortly after they come home with you can help prevent the formation of bad habits and unacceptable behaviors. It also helps your dog understand your standard of expectation for your household rules. This helps set them up for success as they transition into your family because they aren’t guessing or having to push boundaries to know what the rules are.
There is a common misconception that dogs and puppies need a long time to “settle in” to their new home. This is untrue and can actually be detrimental as it doesn’t give your new pet a clear set of rules and boundaries to follow. A new puppy or dog will be more comfortable and happier when they are able to know exactly what is okay and not okay. It is recommended to stat a group class with a new pet within 4 weeks of bringing them home.
Our Puppy Kindergarten and Obedience 1 classes are positive reinforcement style group training classes that are designed to help build the relationship between you and your dog while giving you the tools to shape a pleasant companion at home. Starting obedience classes early will help ensure that you’re not going back a year later fixing bad habits, and it’s a great way to start off your relationship with your new best friend on the right foot!
Take A Hike
By: Valerie Ferguson ZimmVet Receptionist

The beauty of a Minnesota hike doesn’t need to end when the snow begins to fly. There are many opportunities throughout our great state to enjoy a winter hike with your furry friend! Many towns, county parks, regional parks, recreational areas, and state parks offer access to beautiful walking/hiking trails year-round.
A personal favorite of mine is the Candlelight hikes offered at various Minnesota State Parks during the months of January and February. These hikes are often dog-friendly; however I always call ahead to confirm that your pup is invited to join you.
A few things to consider while enjoying a winter hike with your dog:
- Protect their paws from snowballs with a protective product, I prefer Mushers Secret or hiking booties
- Clean your dogs’ feet of any salt or sand that they may have picked up so their pads do not get irritated from the harsh chemicals that can be used on walkways
- Monitor the outdoor temperature; even though dogs have hair they may still get cold depending on the type of hair coat they have and they rely on you to know when to bring them inside
- Just like humans, dogs require water and nutrition during longer winter hikes just as they would during the summer months
- Be a responsible pet owner and abide by the posted trail rules
- For your safety, always let someone know where you are going and when you plan to be home and check-in with them upon your return home
Now all that you need to do is get outdoors and begin exploring with your four-legged pal!
What is Your Dog Trying to Say?

By Lena Hansen ZimmVet Pet Hotel and Daycare Assistant Manager
Dog Body Language Basics
Dogs use body language to communicate their emotional state to others. It is important to understand how they communicate and what they are trying to tell us. Though they have many different signals, here are a few body language basics to help you better understand your pooch and be able to respond accordingly:
Continue…Benefits of Professional Grooming all Yearlong!
Michaela Tallant ZimmVet Groomer- 763-856-4848
Having your dog scheduled for regular grooming appointments not only helps them stay looking and smelling great, it also has multiple health benefits. Here are 5 professional grooming benefits:
- Consistent nail trims will ensure your dogs nails are kept at a comfortable length. It can be uncomfortable for many dogs when their nails are too long. It can also cause them to walk differently, causing pain and lack of structure for their paws.
- Consistent ear cleaning at your grooming appointment will ensure your pet’s ears are cleaned and can help detect early signs of medical issues such as ear infections.
- Keeping up with grooming all year long will help ensure your pet does not have matting. During the winter and summer there are many things that dogs play in that will increase their chances of matting including snow, water, dirt or even their collars can cause matting.
- Professional grooming will keep their skin and coat healthy. When having your dog professionally groomed, groomers will use products that put moisture and vitamins back into their skin and coat.
- Consistent visits will keep your dog smelling wonderful and keep them properly brushed which can decrease shedding. Special treatments like ZimmVet’s de-shed use special conditioner and shampoo to help open up the hair follicles and release the undercoat.
Professional grooming is important all year long. Keeping them clean and matt free will result in a happier, healthier dog! ZimmVet offers Professional Grooming for dogs and cats! Talk to a daycare or hotel staff member to schedule your pet’s groom.
Get Your Dog Ready for Hunting Season
By Dr. Maria Krenz, DVM – ZimmVet-763-856-4848
Many people enjoy hunting as a hobby with their dogs. A little preparation can make the time fun for you and your dog.
Flea & Tick Prevention
Fall is peak time for transmission of lyme disease from adult ticks. Fall is also when many pets become infested with fleas. There are a variety of products on the market including topical and oral options. Talk to your veterinarian about what product is best for you pet.
Internal Parasites
Hunting dogs are at higher risk to contract roundworms and hookworms from the environment. These parasites can then be passed to people. Heartworm prevention, such as Interceptor®, deworms for these parasites and should be given once a month.
Continue…Pro-Active Pet Dental Care
By Dr. Maria Krenz, DVM – ZimmVet-763-856-4848

February is National Pet Dental Month.
According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats show signs of oral disease by age 3. With the percentage of oral disease so high, we all probably have a pet in need dental care in our own home. And unlike people, pets cannot tell us if they are feeling pain from gum disease, or a built up of bacteria/tarter on their teeth. Signs, like bad breath, usually mean your dog or cat should have already had dental treatment. The first step in creating a dental plan for your pet is having a dental exam by your veterinarian.
Continue…ZimmVet Hosts Open House
By: Maria Krenz, DVM

ZimmVet is hosting an Open House on Saturday, October 5, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Guests get an exclusive behind the scenes tour of the veterinary facility, pet hotel, dog daycare, pet grooming, training facilities and exercise yards. Meet the doctors, veterinary staff, dog trainer, groomer, daycare and hotel staff. Walk through different stations and learn about veterinary surgery, lab equipment, pet dentistry tools along with other advanced veterinary medicine equipment. Each station will have fun giveaways. Stop and enjoy light appetizers, cake and free ice cream from The Parlor Ice Cream Truck. Kids of all ages can have their faces painted, jump in the bounce house and enjoy other kid-friendly activities. Guest can enter-to-win for baskets filled with pet supplies, including Frontline and two large Yeti-like coolers. Due to the large number of guests expected, we request you leave your furry family members at home. We suggest RSVPing at the ZimmVet Facebook event on our page.
Cat Urinary Issues
By Dr. Maria Krenz, DVM – The Zimmerman Veterinary Clinic-763-856-4848Cat Focus Month Five – Urinary Issues

Previously, we outlined the importance of once-per-year cat exams as well as twice-per-year exams for senior cats over 7 years old. These exams are vital to maintaining cat health year round. In our first cat-focused article in this series, we discussed the importance of yearly bloodwork for all cats. Month three, we talked about obesity in cats. In month four, we identified how to keep your outdoor feline safe. This month we will talk about urinary issues in cats.
Continue…Get Your Dog Ready for Hunting Season
By Dr. Maria Krenz, DVM – ZimmVet-763-856-4848

Many people enjoy hunting as a hobby with their dogs. A little preparation can make the time fun for you and your dog.
Flea & Tick Prevention
Fall is peak time for transmission of lyme disease from adult ticks. Fall is also when many pets become infested with fleas. There are a variety of products on the market including topical and oral options. Talk to your veterinarian about what product is best for you pet.
Internal Parasites
Hunting dogs are at higher risk to contract roundworms and hookworms from the environment. These parasites can then be passed to people. Heartworm prevention, such as Interceptor®, deworms for these parasites and should be given once a month.
Continue…All About Fleas
By Dr. Maria Krenz, DVM – ZimmVet-763-856-4848

In Minnesota fall and early winter is the most common time we see flea infestation in pets. No pet is immune to these tiny parasites. Mice are common carriers of fleas. In the fall time mice are looking for places to survive the winter and can end up in garages and basements. The mouse then sheds flea eggs where they travel in the house.
Flea Myths
Myth: My Pet cannot get fleas because they are indoor only. Truth: Fleas thrive indoors
Myth: My Pet does not have fleas because they are not biting me. Truth: Adult fleas will only bite humans as a last choice, so often humans do not get bit.
Myth: If my pet has fleas I would see them. Truth: Fleas are often not seen on the pet until the infestation is severe. Pets will also lick fleas away before you see them.
Myth: My pet has never had fleas so I do not need to use prevention. Truth: Any pet can get fleas and unfortunately it is a lot more difficult to get rid of them vs preventing.