Dog-Friendly Summer Treats to make at Home
By: Ari Alvarez, ZimmVet Daycare Staff

We all know how great a nice cool snack can make us feel on a hot summer day. Dogs can enjoy fun summer treats too! Some pet stores sell dog-friendly ice cream or other frozen treats. But did you know it is really simple to make your own frozen dog treats at home? Check out some simple frozen treat recipes below.
- Frozen Vegetables or Fruits – Green beans, banana chunks, strawberries, blueberries, and peach chunks can all be frozen and given to your dog as an icy little treat. If you purchase packaged frozen items and not fresh, check the labels to ensure there is no Xylitol.
- Ice Cube Fruity Treats – Combine ripe banana, pumpkin, or sweet potato and plain yogurt together and freeze in a mold or ice cube tray.
You can also blend together watermelon and cantaloupe to freeze or pureed banana with a dollop of peanut butter on top.
Slice up apples (throw out the seeds and core) and blend. Add a cup of yogurt and a splash of water to then freeze in an ice cube tray.
Make PB & J pops. Blend strawberries with some water, pour in the mold, and then spread peanut butter on top.
- Meaty Treats – Combine grilled chicken, chicken broth, and cooked carrot in a good processor to freeze in an ice cube tray.
Don’t forget you can always fill your dog’s favorite chew toy, such as a Kong, with any of the above recipes and freeze for added chew time.
There are endless combinations when it comes to fun dog treats you can make at home! Find what your dog likes by having fun experimenting.
**Dog Owners should avoid feeding their dogs “human” ice cream, frozen yogurt, and popsicles for a variety of reasons. Check with your Veterinarian about certain treats if you’re unsure whether they are pet-friendly or not. **