By Abby Gustafson, ZimmVet Receptionist

Did you just get a new dog? Well, congratulations! You probably want to take him/her to the nearby dog park now, right? Have you thought about this? Taking your new dog to a dog park, regardless if on or off leash, can be a bit rewarding as well as scary to pets and to you.

Let’s dig a little deeper into this. What are the benefits of a dog park? Well, for starters, your canine companion gets socialized with other dogs and humans. A tired dog is a happy dog. Your dog can learn from other dogs on how to play, interact, and possibly have fun.

On the other side, a dog park can carry diseases and parasites if dogs go that haven’t been dewormed or vaccinated. Other owners might not fully pay attention to their dog as it runs wild without notice.

Other dogs might not be friendly to other dogs – some dogs may not like others that are bigger or smaller than them.

It would be best for your dog to be trained to the recall or come command before heading to a dog park. Making sure your dog will come to you whenever you call it over, as well as making sure your dog is up to date on vaccines as well as a dewormer.