By Angela Krieger ZimmVet Daycare and Hotel Staff

We all want our cats to be healthy and happy! One of the best ways to do this is taking your cat on walks. Though this may sound challenging, taking your cat for a walk can be a fun and enjoyable experience. It will also provide exercise for you and your cat while strengthening the bond with you and your furry friend.

It is always best to use a harness for walking with your cat.  Here are the best ways to introduce your cat to a harness while keeping things fear free and positive.

It’s best to introduce your cat to a harness when it is still a kitten. Typically, kittens will be more excepting of something new. It’s important to make sure the harness you get is a good fit. So before going harness shopping measure your cat around the front of their chest, around their middle section, and just behind their front legs. Once you have picked out a harness that’s a good fit, take introducing them to it slowly.

Start out by placing your hand through the harness with your cat’s favorite treat and then let your cat eat the treat. Once your cat has eaten the treat, and seem to be enjoying the experience you’ll want to take a break and end this experience on a positive note. You’ll want to continue this process over several days. While doing this slowly move further along with the harness, so they understand they get positive reward for tolerating this new item. Repeat the process and whenever your cat seems comfortable let them walk into the harness and gently put the harness on the cat, do not force it. It will take some cats longer then others to be comfortable with the situation.

Once your cat is comfortable with the harness, you’ll want to attach a leash to it. Let the leash drag behind the cat for a couple of hours. Make sure to be walking around and calling your cat over to you with treat. This will help them adjust to having something attached to them. Once they are comfortable walking around the house with the harness and leash on, you’ll want to start holding the leash and directing the walks you and your cat take around the house. Again, lots of treats and positive rewards will help this adjustment process.

Once your cat is comfortable walking with you around the house, take a short stroll in your yard. You can let your cat lead the way if you feel that will make them more comfortable. Once your cat is fully adjusted to strolling around your yard, they are ready to take a walk! Make sure to keep your first couple of walks shorter and very positive. Bring treats along!

If your cat still doesn’t enjoy leash walking or the feeling of a harness on, you can always purchase cat strollers or backpacks. This way they can still experience the outdoors with you while enjoying the comfort of an enclosed safe space for them.  This will still allow for wonderful bonding time for you and your beloved cat!