Canine Influenza

By Dr. Maria Krenz, DVM – ZimmVet-763-856-4848

Canine influenza, or dog flu, has been in the news on and off when outbreaks occur. Recently there was an out break in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area that affected many. Make sure your dog is protected from the flu with the Canine Influenza Vaccination.

Spread of Dog Flu

Dog Flu is spread by direct dog-to-dog contact. The secretions from infected dogs coughing and sneezing can stay on objects and people that healthy pets may come in contact with. The virus is active in the environment for up to 48 hours, however, disinfectants can kill the virus. The flu is not seasonal, but can be contracted year round.

Signs and Treatments

Signs of Dog Flu may be mild to severe, but it can also be deadly. The signs of Dog Flu can look like other respiratory diseases such as kennel cough. Signs of Dog Flu can develop 2-4 days after exposure to an infected dog and illness may last up to 2-3 weeks. Signs can include:

  • coughing
  • sneezing
  • nasal discharge
  • eye discharge
  • decreased appetite
  • lethargy
  • Fever
  • In severe cases, a secondary bacterial infection can cause pneumonia. These pets have high fevers and trouble breathing.

Treatment includes antibiotics for secondary bacterial infections, fluids for dehydration, medication to reduce fever and nutritional supplements.  If you notice any signs of illness, make an appointment with your veterinarian for an examination as soon as possible.

What dogs are at Risk?

Pets that are around other dogs are at higher risk of contracting canine influenza. Examples are pets that stay in a pet hotel, dog daycare, training class, dog parks and grooming facilities. Young and Senior Pets, along with pets that have medical conditions that affect their immune systems, are at higher risk of getting severe forms of the dog Flu.


A vaccination for Dog Flu is available. Dogs have no natural immunity to Dog Flu since it is a newer virus. The current vaccination is for both the H3N8 and H3N2 strains. If this is the first time your dog is getting the vaccination, it will need to be boostered in 3-4 weeks and then given yearly. This vaccination is recommended for dogs that are around other dogs frequently. This vaccination is available at ZimmVet. For more information on vaccines visit

In conclusion

As long as the facility you are bringing your pet to have good sanitation methods and protocols for disease outbreaks in place, you do not need to be overly concerned about bringing your pet around other dogs such as a Pet Hotel or Daycare. It is best practice that dog facilities require the flu vaccination to keep dogs healthy. If you are wanting more information you can visit the CDC website

**Disclaimer: This written content is meant to be educational and is not medical advice. Always consult a veterinarian about medical advice for your pet.

Dog Bite Prevention!

By Dr. Soderberg, DVM – ZimmVet – (763)856-4848

Dog bites pose a serious health risk to our communities and society. More than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States, including more than 800,000 who receive medical attention for their injuries. More than half of those bitten are children.

Reasons a dog could bite:

  • Dogs bite for a variety of reasons, but most commonly as a reaction to something.
    • If the dog finds itself in a stressful situation, it may bite to defend itself or its territory. They can bite to protect something that is valuable to them, like their puppies, their food or a toy.
    • Dogs can bite because they are scared or have been startled. They can bite because they feel threatened.
  • Dogs might bite because they aren’t feeling well. They could be sick or sore due to injury or illness and might want to be left alone.
  • Dogs also might nip and bite during play. Even though nipping during play might be fun for the dog, it can be dangerous for people.
    • It’s a good idea to avoid wrestling or playing tug-of-war with your dog. These types of activities can make your dog overly excited, which may lead to a nip or a bite.

Preventing Dog Bites:

  • Socialization is a good way to help prevent your dog from biting. Socializing your pet helps your dog feel at ease in different situations. Introducing your dog to people and other animals while it’s a puppy makes it feel more comfortable in different situations as it gets older. It’s also important to use a leash in public to make sure that you are able to control your dog.
  • Responsible pet ownership builds a solid foundation for dog bite prevention.
    • Carefully select the dog that’s right for your family
    • proper training, regular exercise, and neutering or spaying your pet.
  • Educate yourself and your children about how, or whether, to approach a dog.
  • It’s important to know how to avoid escalating risky situations and to understand when you should and should not interact with dogs. Some risky situations include, but are not limited to:
    • If the owner does not give permission to pet the dog, they are barking or growling, or if the dog appears to be hiding or seeking alone time.
    • The dog is on the other side of a fence.
    • If a dog is sleeping or eating, or playing with a toy.
    • Sick or injured.
  • Reading a dog’s body language also can be helpful. Just like people, dogs rely on body gestures, postures and vocalizations to express themselves and communicate. While we can’t always read a dog’s body language accurately, it can give us helpful clues as to whether a dog is feeling stressed, frightened, or threatened.

If you would like to learn more ways to make your pet into a well socialized good citizen please see

More information:

If you have been bitten by a dog and the dog’s owner is present, request proof of rabies vaccination, and get the owner’s name and contact information.  Clean the bite wound with soap and water as soon as possible and consult your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room if it’s after office hours.

Please visit for more information of Dog bite prevention.

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with your Dog!

By: Brook Buckholtz, Customer Service Representative at ZimmVet

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with your dog! It’s Saint Patrick’s day and you may want to do something with your furry friend to celebrate, but really aren’t sure what you should do. Thankfully you have a couple options you can choose from; bringing your dog with to go out or sharing a night in. Before you decide here are some tips and ideas on how to ensure you are picking the best option for you both.

Going out with your dog to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day:

  • Make sure you know your dog. If your dog is nervous or has high anxiety around large crowds and other dogs consider leaving them home or staying home with them.
  • Ensure that you are your dogs advocate. It’s okay to say no!
    • If someone asks to pet your dog and you can tell they are tired say “No, not right now. Thank you for asking though”.
    • If your pet seems uncomfortable because someone is getting too much in their space you can say “Could you please step back? (pet name) just needs a little space right now”.
  • Be prepared to leave suddenly if needed.
  • Make sure to call and confirm with the bar/restaurant or wherever you choose to go that they are actually dog friendly. Below is a list of dog friendly bars/restuarants in Isanti, Chisago, and Minneapolis area.
  • Try to only stay for a few hours.
  • Go during the day instead of in the evening.
  • Bring someone else who can help you manage your dog.

Staying home with your dog:

If you choose to stay home with your dog here are some tips and ideas on things to help you celebrate St. Patrick’s day together.

  • Dress your pet and yourself up in some festive green clothing!
  • Take photos to post on social media.
  • Buy them some green treats (shamrocks) and/or toys.
  • Paint your dogs toenails with green pet friendly dog nail polish!

Whether you choose to bring your pet or stay home we hope you have a great St. Patrick’s Day!

Agility for Dogs

By: Casey Carlson, Veterinary Technician at ZimmVet

One of the best ways to bond and interact with your pup is through agility!

The two of you will work as a team in agility, starting with trust, patience, and reward.

Start out with the mindset of this being fun, relaxed, and simple ‘asks’ of your dog.

First, you will want to start with a six-foot lead and preferably a harness that has a grab handle on top. The harness should fit snugly, without having too much ability to slip on any part of your dog’s body.

Next, you’ll want to have high-value treats on hand that can be given as a very small amount. A high-value treat would be food that your dog just cannot resist! An example might be hot dog bits or dried liver pieces (always make sure they are in small amounts and dog-friendly).

Last, and most importantly, make sure your surroundings and the items to be used are safe and secure. Having a safe environment makes learning and training much less stressful for your dog and injury less likely. The best area to practice in should be a fenced in or enclosed area; this will be perfect when you attempt off-leash commands for the first time!

Equipment for your course:

A pause table that can be a 6×6 foot wooden box with a height no more than one foot. Depending on the size of your dog, you may need this to be shorter. A seat cushion or pillow can be substituted to start out!

Poles or pool noodles will make great cavaletti equipment when placed on the ground. Always make sure the item can ‘break-away’ easily – meaning that it is not fixed and will not have potential to injure your pup.

Note: Starting out, it’s best to use the length of your dog’s body to help you decide the spacing between objects your dog will be walking, jumping, or running over.

Now that you have everything set up, you’ll need to guide your pup through the course. Those high-value treats are going to come in handy at this point.

Start at your pause table/object with your pup in a calm sitting position. Give a couple of rewards for your dog maintaining their position while staying engaged with you (eye contact, treat focus).

Next, guide your pup using your arm held out (like an airplane wing!) as you walk past each pool noodle. If your pup is still engaging with you, they will attempt to walk over the obstacles as you guide them. If they seem to be distracted or losing direction, try throwing a treat over the obstacle as you go past. Get excited and praise them when they come back to focus!

After repeating the task enough times, your dog should be more aware of the obstacles and what you’re asking them to do!

Agility should always be fun for you both; never force your dog to do tasks. Help them build confidence with praise and reward instead. You will get there with patience and time.

You’ve established the most important tool in agility – attention and team work!

If you are interested in taking your pup to the next level, here are just a few DIY ideas and more information at USDAA’s website.

Agility Course DIY: