By: Amanda Jelinek, ZimmVet Receptionist

While people enjoy tasty foods during holiday gatherings, there may be hidden dangers in these foods if your pet indulges in them.

Greasy foods such as turkey skin or pork, even in small amounts, could be the cause of a very painful and possibly life-threatening condition known as pancreatitis.

All of those tasty additions to our favorite dishes, such as onions, garlic, bacon, raisins and grapes can cause gastrointestinal upset and even more serious issues such as organ damage or failure. Many candies, gums, whipped toppings and desserts can contain a sweetener called Xylitol which can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, liver failure, or even death in dogs.

Bones can be dangerous to your pet’s digestive tract, and may splinter or become stuck causing an obstruction requiring surgery to retrieve the object obstructing the gastrointestinal tract.

If you feel that your pet would enjoy a special treat for the Holidays you can always splurge on a new bag of pet treats for them, or if you would like to share a tiny piece of white turkey meat, a tiny piece of unseasoned baked potato, a couple of unseasoned green beans or a few plain peas, please do. Always be mindful of the amount of vegetables your pet ingests as they may have adverse effects on the Gastrointestinal tract.

The ASPCA website offers a comprehensive listing of foods that are toxic for your pet.