By: Valerie Ferguson, Receptionist at ZimmVet

The warm summer months bring many opportunities for camping, and who better to enjoy it with than your fun-loving pup! A successful camping trip starts with planning ahead and packing the right supplies. Although we never want to experience an injury while camping, sometimes it is inevitable and is best handled when we are prepared.

Some of the most important items to bring that most people don’t consider are:

Nail trimmer – have you ever been out in the woods and experienced a broken nail?

Styptic powder – this is very handy to stop bleeding if a nail becomes damaged

Topical bug spray or fly ointment – keeps those pesky insects away from your pet

Extra water – If you are out in the heat or engaging in more activity, your pet will require more water

Bacitracin – A must have for minor scrapes and bug bites

Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) – if your pet has a reaction to a bug bite, it may be helpful to administer Benadryl at the direction of your family veterinarian

Bed – A sleeping pad or bed will keep your pup comfy and dry

Sun block – Not sunblock, dogs don’t wear sunblock silly…something such as an umbrella or a tarp to make a sun block so your pet has a shaded retreat to escape the heat

Be sure to bring enough food, treats, toys and games to keep your pet entertained so they can have a fun vacation too.

Fleas, ticks and mosquitoes are everywhere, especially in the woods – remember to have your pets Heartworm and Flea and Tick preventatives administered prior to going on your adventure.

Never leave your pet unattended in a warm vehicle or tent.