By: Laura Scharenbroich ZimmVet Daycare Staff

When was the last time you brought your cat to the veterinarian? Was it within the last year? A couple years ago? Even if your cat appears to not be sick, there are still preventative ways to keep them healthy.

Here are 7 great tips to keeping your cat healthy:

  1. Groom your Cat

Most cats groom themselves on a regular basis. But you can help your furry friend by brushing or combing. This will help to remove any dead hair so they don’t ingest while self-grooming. This also gives you a chance to notice any changes to the body.

2. Make sure you have enough litter boxes

A good general rule of thumb to go by is one litter box per cat plus one more. So if you have two cats, go with 3 litter boxes. To help encourage good litter box habits, keep the litter boxes clean. Regular cleaning will also help you notice if anything is out of the ordinary.

3. Use a Scratching Post

If your cat’s claws are still intact be sure to supply some form of scratching post. This helps your cat stretch out their muscles and also helps remove old layers from their nails. Scratching is a normal marking behavior and can help with environmental enrichment.

4. Use a Cat Carrier

Be sure to use a cat carrier when traveling. This will ensure your cats safety and also provides a safe place where they can hide. Cats should be allowed to go in and out of the carrier at home so they are comfortable with it. Short car rides and treats can help to train them to ride in the carrier without fear.

5. Keeps your Cat’s Teeth Clean

Just like us cats develop tartar, which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. To keep your cat’s teeth in top condition brush daily. If your pet does not allow tooth brushing other products are available such as dental chews, water additives and gels.

6. Schedule Regular Vet Visits

Annual visits can play a huge factor in keeping your cat healthy. With regular visits, this gives your veterinarian a chance to catch any potential feline diseases in the early stages and keep them up to date on vaccines as well. When your pet is over seven years of age they are considered a senior and twice per year (every 6 month) exams help keep on top of medical problems.

7. Spay or Neuter

Spaying helps prevent uterine infections, ovarian cancers, and breast tumors. Neutering helps prevent testicular cancer and some prostate problems.